A Tonsorial Parlor was once a man’s sanctuary, a neighborhood barbershop where life’s stresses were replaced with camaraderie and a personal touch. In those days, a master barber was a trustworthy friend and a wet shave was more than a daily routine… it was a tradition. CBL Tonsorial Shave Soap recaptures the essences of the neighborhood Tonsorial Parlor.

CBL Tonsorial shave soap is firm soap that relies on simple ingredients and old school soap making techniques to produce a fantastic quality shaving soap inspired by the very best vintage tonsorial soaps.

CBL Tonsorial shave soap is a no-frills soap that relies on a time tested blend of tallow, stearic acid and coconut oil and specific cooking techniques to produce a hard soap that provides a rich, creamy lather that is incredibly slick and won’t leave your skin dry or tight. Whether you like your lather thick and fluffy or thin and wet, CBL Tonsorial shave soap is easy to load and lather into the perfect lather. Bloom it or not, this soap works great however you prefer to use it.

CBL Tonsorial shave soap is more than a great vintage tonsorial style soap, it’s a labor of love. CBL soap would not exist if not for that PIF’d puck of Vintage Williams Tonsorial and my quest to duplicate the performance of THAT puck of soap. After years of research and experimentation I feel that I have come as close as an artisan can come to duplicating true vintage tonsorial soap performance…without a time machine. I do believe there is a particular quality that only TIME can impart.

We attempt to Creatively scent CBL Tonsorial shave soaps while keeping the strength of scent easily noticed but typically less aggressive than what you will find in one of our “premium” soaps. We do this so the entire experience can be enjoyed without the scent being overwhelming. If we feel a scent is particularly strong or weak we will try to note It in the description.